Thursday, August 24, 2006

How to make Tiramisu

After trying making cheese cake, the next one should be Tiramisu. I should say its the variation of a simple cheese cake but sometimes the Tiramisu we tried could vary pretty much.

Some could have a v alcoholic middle layer and soft cheese layers, but many have thick and firm cheese layers with almost no Kahlua soaked in the middle layer.

This video looks nice and at least I'd know how long I've to fold those mixtures and how it looks like... :)

My Cheese Cake

I had my first cheese cake this morning being my breakfast. Not too bad although it doesn't look like a cheese cake. It looks like a sponge cake more. And you'd see the biscuit pie is quite thick but its really delicious.

It seems to me a cheese cake is a gelatin with milk, cream, cream, cheese and sugar.

What I need to improve is that:
  • I should have cooled the biscuit pie in fridge before I pour the cream mixture over it.
  • I might need to add more gelatin powder to make the cheese mixture more firm
  • Mum said she really could taste the milk but I don't quite agree with it. It seems that its something personal.
When it tastes better I'd ask you to share a bit! kekeke :)

Wednesday, August 23, 2006


Having interviewed the sellers, I really found that basically the info we have gathered so far is correct. So the next steps should be:

1. Reform and think about how to increase revenue
2. To check their accounts

These are the 2 major directions.

By the way, I guess quite a number of the regular customers go there for the pretty shop owners, haha.

So - to attract the OLs, we need to have a handsome guy, or a caring guy. Hey gals, who'd you choose?

Horoscope for Pisces

It's time to start laying the framework for those big plans. The stars say they're easily achievable with a minimum of frustration. Take care of the small details and the big picture as you fine-tune your dream.


Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Ming, Humanitarian, Pokemon


btw, I share your (my) idea of humanitarianism...
human is not just any animal...
i believe in the Christianity view...
humans are masters of monsters...
so, one day, humans will clone animals...ala Pokemon's.
people can communicate, invent, create, remake the world in their own images...etc..
there is some divinity and spirits about people...
animals though have souls and animated spirits too...but they just ain't
human beings...
so, humanism makes sense...
we are higher on the evolution scale...
we can master the pokemons...
and help make them survive...
from the cruel natural world...

Further: Ming & My conversation on being a humanitarian

Ming: hey, so, you are into Human Rights, after all?
then, good luck la...
it's a good cause as long as you are smart about it...
like Bono, he's a successful humanitarian...for he's real smart.
he's got great business-and-diplomatic-political sense in what he does to aid Africa.

i always think you can't be a real good humanitarian unless you have some back-up powers...
if you don't have any chips, you can't win anything...

me: yes
that's why I need to earn $$

Ming: but i guess since you've business experience, and is a Hong Kong smartie, humanitarianism won't hurt you.

Why I studied Human Rights

I was asked why I took Human Rights in my LLB programme. In fact it is pretty popular among other electives, but having chosen this elective, you have to give up Evidence or European Law and these two are much more practical.

I have asked myself this question as well. I guess at the v beginning when I chose this is because my frenz all think that that's the right subject I should choose... at least it sounds romantic.

But how to explain why its 'right' these years I didn't really have some concrete answers. Maybe that's the best option I'd have among the electives, or it is a relatively easy subject to study with (actually I took only a couple of days of revision before the exam), or its simply impractical and I'd show-off this romantic subject... nana... :p

It is definitely more than that.

I guess I have more ideas as I read more articles about it. However, for a while I feel that it is simply a tool for Western countries to attack others. And still I believe that it is true. There're some more incidents which I encountered while I'm serving in a charitable organisation and it made me feel even stronger that Human Rights is simply a tool or an excuse or a means to achieve something not necessarily related to the respect of human beings. However, it is not that negative.

I have just read an article and it re-ignited my passion in it... it is not directly related to Human Rights. It is more related to commercial ethics. However, if you do not respect human beings as something different from other creatures, the discussion of Human Rights could hardly start:

蘇丹麥洛維電站突然下閘蓄水 二千家園被淹沒



八 月七日,蘇丹北部的麥洛維水電站建設當局在毫無預警下開始下閘蓄水,讓上游超過2,200戶Amri社區的家庭被淹沒。他們無家可歸,缺水缺糧。 據估計,分佈於Shikora、Al Bana、um Haza、El Batareen、Um Kouk、El Khezian與Gerf El Doud七個村莊的大約700個房屋已被催毀。另外在高地上的380個房屋也受到破壞,而且因為洪水浸泡而面臨倒塌的危險。其他六個村莊也正在受到水庫蓄 水淹沒家園的威脅。




Amri 部族佔麥洛維水電站受影響群眾人口的四分之一,一直以來都拒絕遷出他們祖傳的土地。2002年11月,電站建設當局拒絕承認他們選舉產生的 委員會,因而爆發暴力事件。儘管當局進行受影響群眾的社會經濟調查,但此舉卻是為遷徙他們到沙漠地區作準備,因此衝突從未間斷。

2006 年4月,一支特別部隊襲擊Amri部族和平集會的村民。三個平民被殺,另外47人受傷。此後,該地區便一直被封鎖。記者與國際觀察員曾經於 六月潛入該地區,目擊大量軍隊駐紮。大壩保安主管告訴一名嘗試進入該地區記者,謂收到上層指示,不能讓任何媒體、非政府組織或救援組織進入。而來自Rai Al Sha’ab、Alwan和Al Aldwa的記者更由於進入大壩下游的村落Nuri而被扣查。

住在首都喀土穆的Amri部族社 區組成了行動委員會,籌備緊急救援工作。為了避免進一步人命財產損失,Hamadab受影響群眾領導辦公室組織 (LOHAP)呼籲國際社會必須儘快施加壓力給蘇丹政府,准許對當地的救援工作。當地的小孩和孕婦急需藥物和糧食。LOHAP也呼籲蘇丹政府必須讓聯合國 機構、媒體和非政府組織進入該地提供援助。


Monday, August 21, 2006

How to make cheesecake

After trying the Tofu Cheesecake in Lamma today, I guess I'd learn making at least a couple types of cheesecakes for the little coffee shop. It'd be fun.

In fact, I found the idea of 'Tofu cheesecake' v interesting. Think: You found that the cheesecakes you've made are as hard as stone. To fix it you have to put something soft in it. Tofu is soft. Then you, being the chef, add tofu in the cheesecake (bravely). And it gives wonderful result! hahahha