Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Honour of Hong Kong - the Symbol of Ethnic Division

I was attracted by an article in Apple Daily last Sunday about Bruce Lee's statue in Bosnia. Its already strange enough for me that why these 2 are related. I guess not many Hong Kong people realize that Bruce Lee actually is the symbol of Ethnic Division. I didnits't quite understand why at the v begining but P told me that its because Bruce Lee's favourite saying in the film of Fist of Fury (精武門) with the favourite saying: "Remember this. We Chinese are not sick! (中國人不是東亞病夫) (after defeating the Japanese karate school, for the first time). It implied the meaning of ethnic equality. And that'd be why Bosnia erected Bruce Lee's statue in the Bosnian city of Mostar.

You'd read more from the BBC news as follows. Its not new though:

Bosnia unveils Bruce Lee bronze
Bruce Lee statue, Mostar
The statue is situated in Mostar's central park and faces north
A bronze of martial arts legend Bruce Lee has been erected in the Bosnian city of Mostar - a day before a second statue of him is unveiled in Hong Kong.

The life-size 1.68 metre statue depicts the Chinese-American actor in a typical defensive fighting position.

Hong Kong unveils its own statue of the kung-fu star on Sunday, at a ceremony to be attended by Lee's widow Linda.

The Mostar unveiling was attended by the ambassadors of China and Germany, both of whom assisted the project.

The city witnessed fierce fighting between rival ethnic factions in the 1992-95 war.


It remains split with Bosnian Muslims, Croats and Serbs still deeply divided.

Lee was chosen by organisers as a symbol of the fight against ethnic divisions.

"We will always be Muslims, Serbs or Croats," said Veselin Gatalo of the youth group Urban Movement Mostar.

"But one thing we all have in common is Bruce Lee."

Lee, who died in 1973 at the age of 32, was born in the US but moved to Hong Kong as a child.

The statue there will be unveiled on what would have been the Enter the Dragon star's 65th birthday.

Monday, March 26, 2007

'True or Fall'

One more reason of not investing in Hong Kong. - actually it might not be necessary if Hong Kong could provide an environment suitable for expats coming in to do business.

One more reason of widening income inequality - smart people would still work hard 'cos they know that this benchmark is rubbish. But those who are not yet wakened by this alarm would mistakenly think that they have achieved an acceptable English standard, which is already the stopper of not studying harder.

One more reason of earning more money for paying private schools for kids - I think teachers would fall into the myth that its good enough to get a student passed in the exam. I could hardly accept this myself... sigh!

One more proof of sweet poisoning.

Lately I had a quick lunch and seems that the ones share the same table with me are students and teacher. I'm not sure what subject this teacher teaches but I could hear the student saying a phrase, very likely in the discussion of some examinations or tests sort of things, 'True or Fall' (I think what she wanted to say 'True of False')...and I almost trembled; what I feel more terrible is - the teacher didn't correct her!!!

新會考文法標準降 肯寫已及格
(明報) 03月 26日 星期一 05:10AM


文法根基弱 恐難應付高考

新城娛樂台昨舉辦會考備戰講座,邀請補習社遵理學校的老師主講,吸引約1000名會考生前來「取經」。英文科導師梁賀琪認為,以考評局 早前公布水平參照中不同級別的能力,只需寫出「The restaurant should give people can relax feel」等句子,因為「看得明」便可取得第二級成績,但她形容這些句子不知所謂:「相對以往,這些句子已經fail(不及格)。」






I read this news from web today (醫院滋事講粗口可被檢控(明報) and it sounds interesting. Not sure if in other ordinances there're similar provisions. The relevant laws are as follows:

Hospital Authority Bylaws (CAP 113A)
Prohibition of certain acts

Bylaw: 7

(1) No person shall, in a hospital-
        (a) have in his possession or under his custody or control any animal, bird or fish;
        (b) smoke or make use of a naked light, other than in any part of a hospital where it is indicated by notice that smoking or the use of a naked light is permitted;
        (c) use any language likely to cause offence or annoyance to any person;
        (d) behave in an indecent or disorderly manner;
        (e) make or cause to be made any noise which is a source of annoyance to the patients in a hospital;
        (f) take any photograph or film or video picture whereby the likeness of a patient in the hospital is thereby depicted without the consent of such patient; or (L.N. 436 of 1991)
        (g) take any photograph or film or video picture whereby any ward in a hospital is thereby depicted without the consent of a member of the staff whose consent shall not be withheld unless annoyance or disturbance to a patient, or prejudice to medical treatment of a patient, is thereby caused or likely to be caused. (L.N. 436 of 1991)
(2) No person shall, unless authorized by the Authority to do so-
        (a) handle, disturb or otherwise interfere with any equipment in a hospital;
        (b) bring or cause to be brought into a hospital (other than upon a road) any vehicle or other form of conveyance; or
        (c) use in a hospital, any radio apparatus, record player, tape, records, disc, musical instrument or other apparatus which emits sound audible to other persons.
(3) Any person who causes or suffers or permits any person to cause equipment in a hospital to be a nuisance or damaging or dangerous to health by wilfully destroying or damaging or otherwise interfering with, or by improperly using such equipment or equipment connected therewith, shall be guilty of an offence.

And the penalty is:

Offences and Penalties

Bylaw: 10

Any person who-
        (a) contravenes bylaw 4, 7(1)(a), 7(1)(c), 7(1)(d), 7(1)(e), 7(1)(g) or 7(2)(c) commits an offence and is liable on first conviction to a fine of $1000 and on second or subsequent conviction to a fine of $2000 and to imprisonment for 1 month;
        (b) contravenes bylaw 3, 7(1)(b), 7(1)(f), 7(2)(a), 7(2)(b) or 9 commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $2000 and to imprisonment for 3 months; or
        (c) commits an offence under bylaw 5, 7(3) or 8 is liable to a fine of $2000 and to imprisonment for 3 months.


That means - you might be put into jail for saying foul (loudly) at hospital! hahaha...

Sunday, March 25, 2007

10 Reasons of Not Yet Having USD1m

[Translated from Cho Yan Chiu (曹仁超)'s 投資者日記 at HKEJ on March 24, 2007]

The reasons of why you are not yet a client of private banking (i.e. having current asset of USD1m or above worth) are:

1. You spent too much money in pursuit of materialistic lifestyle and you have not been concentrating on accumulating your wealth, including spending too much money on fashion, cosmetics, leisure travelling and purchasing luxury items;

2. You do not have budget to your spending, for instance, you always borrow money from credit card for consumption and pay expensive interest from credit cards, and not to consume when you have enough money;

3. You have bad habits, including smoking, pubbing, football gambling, horse gambling and going to casinos. Being you have a large sum of wealth, you spent your seed money;

4. You do not have targets, especially financial targets. You would rather play online games rather than learning wealth management;

5. You do not prepare psychologically. For example, in the 60s I (Lo Cho) had 3 jobs because I didn't have sufficient capital (in addition to the job at securities firm, I earned money from newspapers by writing articles about my investment experyience and tutoring school children). My first 10,000 capital was obtained by these means;

6. You like short-term trading too much. For example, you use 10,000 to earn 3,000, use 100,000 to earn 10,000, and disallow the profit runs. So what you earned is 'little', but sometimes mistakenly lost the 'big' money;

7. Don't think that others could manage wealth for you. You could get advice from many others but the decision should be made on your own. Others would not make decision on your money (investment) because you are the one to bear the reward and loss. When you lose, others won't compensate you. When you earn, you won't share 50% of it with others;

8. You invest in something you do not know, like the Vietname stock market. I (Lo Cho) was positive about it last year but I didn't invest in it because I do not know about it;

9. You are afraid of losting money, and do not understand 'stop losing; don't stop earning'. As long as you have prepared psychologically to lose 15% of your capital in the market, you could feel comfortable to invest. However, too many people would rather put money into banks and are willing to allow the depreciation of money by inflation but not involve in investing. As you are afraid of losing money, you do not understand 'big money won't come in if small money is not given out';

10. You utterly do not have interest in owing asset of USD1m or above. Few people are not interested in earning money and once they have money they would like to spend them right away, and do not have interest in learning earning money from money. They'd rather go shopping, watching movies, dining, going to karaoke, and even thinking that reading HKEJ is a difficult task, so how could these people earn USD1m or above? If you don't keep an eye on your money, how it could grow?

Seems that my translation sucks - and I really find those who does translations as career is really someone great... hahaha

百萬蝴蝶搬家 台封公路 既保蝶身安全 亦防交通意外




台灣蝴蝶保育學會研究員詹家龍接受本報訪問時指出,台灣是蝴蝶 王國,紫斑蝶又是數量最多的蝶種,多達百萬隻以上,而紫斑蝶與一般蝴蝶不同,牠不但壽命最長(7個月,一般蝴蝶僅1個月),又是必須「過冬」的唯一蝶種。 詹家龍說,香港在2003年時也曾發現幾個「紫斑蝶谷」,但數量只有5萬隻左右。


詹家龍指出,在台灣南部台東大武等地「過冬」的紫斑蝶,春天時 就會北遷,而高速公路林內段正好就是紫斑蝶的「蝶道」,也是所謂的「交通樽頸」。蝴蝶學會曾觀察到每分鐘內約有1.15萬隻蝶飛過,總計單日遷移的紫斑蝶 就超過百萬隻,形成壯觀的「空中蝶河」,但亦有大量蝴蝶在穿越公路時遭車輛撞死,且大批蝴蝶飛越也威脅交通安全。


詹家龍指出,林內段屬於天橋段,離地面10米以下,紫斑蝶從下 爬升時,因一開始的高度不足,因此會撞到最外側車道的車輛,同時因蝴蝶有「趨光性」,橋面下較黑暗,蝴蝶不會從橋下穿越,因此蝴蝶保育學會建議高公局封閉 公路來保護紫斑蝶。他說,封閉車道是創舉,未來高公局還將架設「路堤網」(以加高的防護網提高紫斑蝶的飛行高度),同時在橋墩下設置「紫外線燈管」以導引紫斑蝶穿越。