Wednesday, July 04, 2007


Stephy成日同我講,當你行左入三字頭,你既黃金二十年(係,你冇睇錯,我係寫二十年,唔係十年。Stephy話黃金十年咁少,唔夠玩,要整夠佢廿年 先過癮喎。)就開始啦。呢個年紀開始,係響一生人裡面,有能力做到最多既野,活得最精彩豐盛既時候,要好好把握。三字頭之後,好多人話煩惱多左好多,人又 被迫要現實,逼住放棄好多理想。不過唔知點解,我總覺得,當你願意做個樂觀既人,三字頭之後,應該可以係好正既。


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

My Scratch Book & Snowman

Monday, July 02, 2007

Life is Simple - The Art of Escape

its time to go back to work again after the 3-day work-from-home experience and the long weekend. maybe its already good 'cos I totally have 6 days of 'free' time.

I just dun want to see people during these days 'cos I kind of want to hide myself. Interacting with others would be quite energy-consuming - at least for me. But there's also another side of the coin. Today I had lunch with ex-colleagues and I found its really fun.

Hope that 'd get re-fueled and face the future challenges.

Also, 2 frenz of mine told me the same time in 2 consecutive days. They told me 'Life is Simple'. Its right. Life is simple. What I worry is that if I treat life too simple I might lose something. Am I just too greedy? Probably when compared, what's more important, the lose of happiness or the lose of something which I do not know? haha... yes... life is simple. No need to think too much :p but I just can't convince my consciousness to accept this concept.