My Wedding Place - Bethanie
Inside the Chapel
Interesting though the there's no cross on the altar. Its because it is now not a chapel designated for religious service. However, the altar is from the Hong Kong Catholic Diocese.
The Chapel - Outside
It looks marvellous isn't it? It is not as big as I imagined... haha.
Place before the Chapel
That's what I like most. I guess it could be very difficult to find a Church / Chapel in Hong Kong with that spacious place with that many trees! There's a seaview next to it as well. I'm sure we could take a lot of pics here.
The Balcony
That's the inside view of the Chapel from the altar. I feel that I've been to small Chapels in Macau... the Churches / Chapels in Macau were preserved better or they have more variety than those in Hong Kong.