Friday, April 13, 2007

[Quote]: 網絡實名要小心

Originally uploaded by R80o.

在網上公開自己的個人身份,例如在Blog 中寫下名字,以常用的e-mail 或網名去開設網誌、相簿等等。很多人可能會認為,這些行為無傷大雅,所以根本沒有為意,在不知不覺中就做了。但其實,在網上公開得太多,會很容易被人「起底」、將你調查得一清二楚。


第一宗是關於求職的。報導指,英國有25% 的老闆,會在面試之前在網上搜尋求職者的Blog。當中亦有提及,真的有求職者因為在Blog 上批評自己的前老闆,結果在新工作面試因此而失敗。如果你應徵的是文字工作,但Blog 上卻充滿了口語和火星文的話,你又認為自己的機會有多大?

第二宗是關於求偶的。報導指,美國近年流行在約會前,用Google 搜尋一下對方的資料。看看他的Blog 或相片之類。除了日常日活之外,最想知道的應該是外表吧。例如報導指,有女士在網上找到約會對象自拍的出浴裸照後,立即取消了約會。

不過,網上身份到底要如何確認呢?假若你的名字實在太普通,陳大文或John Smith 等等的話,隨時在網上找到的根本不是你,因為這些張冠李戴的搜尋結果,而失去面試、約會機會,的確可悲。況且,就算在網上找到真正的你,單憑一個Blog、一張相又怎能全面認識?


Big Brother is watching you


I've read HKEJ lately and they mentioned a rumour that LSD - 社會民主連線 (League of Social Democrats) is supporting Mr Tsang indirectly. Well. If its true, I have the following thought in my mind about the Tseung Kwan O Hau Tak market (將軍澳厚德街市) incident.

Its true that LegCo members and District Councilors need to obtain support from the voters before the election, but I do feel that there could be some conspiracies behind.

I haven't done any research on it yet but its just my impression.

Would it be that the Govt is losing the control of the Link REIT and they want to regain it without being accused of controlling the market? So they are trying to initiate some activities which strengthen the political risks of the Link REIT and scare TCI away ('cos if the risks increase and the return is not satisfactory, they might just leave?)

I guess Mr Tsang would do nothing at this stage and he'd just say the Govt could hardly control it because it could not control the market. I do not think the Govt would also be actively participating in solving the problems for Hau Tak market petitioners. But troubles against the Link REIT would be coming.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Mr Darcy was autistic?

Sometimes I'd think the analysis of horoscopic sign of fictitious characters is quite absurd. Probably the academics do those analysis are its just for fun or for gaining reputation. Or if they are doing it in good faith, it could be good being the material for social education of some specific items, like those brain disorder stuff in this news from the Daily Telegraph.

But - are there that many diseases that we need to cure on earth?
Anyway. Pay attention to the Asperger's Syndrome. Probably I have that as well. :p

Why Mr Darcy was the strong but silent type

By Graeme Paton
Last Updated: 12:44am BST 07/04/2007

He is the handsome bachelor whose strong but silent demeanour has sent women's hearts fluttering for generations.

Mr Darcy, played by Colin Firth
Mr Darcy, played by Colin Firth, set hearts fluttering

But one academic thinks she has found the reason for Mr Darcy's tight-lipped manner - he was autistic.

A book claims that the hero of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice suffered from the brain disorder that affects communication and interaction skills.

The text also suggests that Mr Collins, the clergyman, was a sufferer and Lydia Bennet had attention deficit disorder.

Phyllis Ferguson Bottomer, a speech pathologist in Canada, analyses eight characters from Austen's classic novel, in a book that teachers are being encouraged to use to liven up GCSE English lessons.

She argues that five characters from the Bennet family, and three from the Fitzwilliam clan, have fundamental difficulties with communication and empathy. It provides an explanation for some characters' awkward behaviour at crowded balls, their frequent silences or the tendency to lapse into monologues rather than truly converse with others, she said.

Mr Darcy's "unaccountable rudeness" can be blamed on "high-functioning autism or Asperger's syndrome", which Austen wrote about without knowing what it was, it is claimed.

In her book, So Odd a Mixture, Miss Bottomer quotes Austen's description of Mr Collins - "awkward and solemn, apologising instead of attending, and often moving wrong without being aware of it".

The author says it epitomises "some of the co-ordination problems those on the autistic spectrum can have". Mr and Mrs Bennet, the squabbling couple, are also said to be sufferers. Lydia, the heroine's younger sister, is also described as having attention deficit disorder after she runs off with Mr Wickham.

Miss Bottomer told the Times Educational Supplement: "I hope it will help people understand the sometimes subtle challenges faced by those on the mild end of the autistic spectrum and serve as a reminder not to judge too quickly."

The book, which the publishers hope will be used to provoke debate in schools, was dismissed by the National Association for the Teaching of English as "wonderfully absurd".

Miss Bottomer's conclusions came as it emerged that the number of A-level set texts will increase from eight to 12 under plans to make English literature exams more demanding.

Students will also have to analyse the cultural and political context of books in greater depth.

New works will include F Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby, Evelyn Waugh's A Handful of Dust and poetry by Wilfred Owen.