Thursday, August 10, 2006

Its no need to start something totally new

成功全因無懼轉型 花邊4人幫 年生意逾億
(明報) 08月 10日 星期四 05:05AM

【明報專訊】15年前香港經濟暢旺,不少大學生投身金融業,要他們走到深水[土步]搞 傳統批發貿易,似是不可能,但當年確有4名大學生身先士卒在該區開設「萬順 行」,經營花邊批發貿易生意。後來香港製衣廠北移,店舖生意驟減,4人憑幹勁,加上靈活變通和團結精神,因應時勢變遷將公司轉型,一洗傳統貿易商古老而 被動的經營模式。15年後的今天,該公司已是專業的「花邊供應平台」,生意額較15年前增加約4倍,至去年逾億元。








增設計部門 強化競爭力




多次轉型 營業額三級跳

創 業初期,該公司每年營業額3000多萬元,第2次轉型後的1999年增至逾8000萬元,去年達1.5億元。營業額增加,證明轉型的方向正確。從 前,花邊是衣服的輔料,近年已變為主角,主要用於睡衣、內衣及時裝。楊佩稱,使用加入設計的花邊作配襯,能為衣服增值。該公司現有客戶,包括法國內衣設計 師Chantal Thomas,及國際服裝品牌Gap和Victoria's Secret等。

Monday, August 07, 2006

Cream of Mushroom Soup

Today I continued my experimental cooking. This is the Cream of Mushroom Soup. It looks chunky. Yet the taste is not too good. I added too much chopped onion into it and it became too sweet. Then I added salt into it but the taste doesn't mix. Is there anyone could tell me how to improve that?

'cos my intent to add chopped onion is to remove the taste of flour & butter. Now, its right that they have been removed, but now its getting too sweet. I want it to be salty... sigh... but with diced mushroom it is likened by many people. :)

Sunday, August 06, 2006


Today we tried making 白汁蜆肉墨魚汁通粉 using the following things:

- Flour
- Butter
- Milk
- Clam

- Chicken Powder
- Garlic Salt

Its interesting though in 白汁 is not really related to cream, although we'd really using whipped cream to replace milk. It took us just half a hour to do it but I'm sure that if we arrange all those sauce nicely it would take even shorter time. But its named something related to 'butter', certain people would know that its real greasy.

We learnt making roux (麵撈) from the cooking class at
工聯會 and its basically the mix of butter and flour in 1:1 portion and it'd help in thickening the sauce. It's pretty ok this time but we just felt that its a bit quite fat. We'd just taste the flour and butter in this penne dish. Well, its the first time and we'd be able to master the skill later.

It's pretty disappointed that the penne from CitySuper really sucks. Some of them broke after cooking for just 5 minutes. It's already the product from Italy. Certainly next time we need to try another brand.

This time the dish doesn't look appealing but I guess I need to think how to arrange all these on a dish... haha. The better it looks the more expensive it'd be sold. I hate that 'total experience' thing in western cuisine, but that'd be the most profitable excuse to ask you to pay more!