Friday, March 23, 2007

Reinhold Niebuhr - quoted by Donald Tsang

God grant me the serenity,

to accept the things I cannot change;

the courage to change the things I can;

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Return To Innocence

My fren Anna likes this song. This is the first time I listen to it when I saw what she wrote on her blog. The lyrics is good actually. Surprisingly. Worth to share:

If you want, then start to laugh
If you must, then start to cry
Be yourself don't hide
Just believe in destiny
Don't care what people say
Just follow your own way
Don't give up and use the chance
To return to innocence
That's not the beginning of the end
That's the return to yourself
The return to innocence

Monday, March 19, 2007


...所以話,一次半次大調整,根本不算甚麼,股市總會那樣子起起跌跌,短炒的人損手爛腳,但長期投資者準會捱過。但我們每日只有24小時,況且生命當中,還有 太多美好東西,比如老婆、老死、屋企、份工、美食、美酒、美女… …要麼享受短炒的刺激,還是安樂地長線投資,時間怎樣分配,由大家自行選擇吧。...

“If you don’t feel comfortable owning something for 10 years, then don’t own it for 10 minutes.” ─ Warren Buffett

案內人隨筆: 股海浮沉 別急著上天台

曹仁超: 唔懂節流,無藥可救


成為億萬富豪,必須有正確思想(right frame of mind),知道何時進攻、何時防守,明白投資唔係遊戲,買股票唔係買六合彩。人人講「理財」,其實「理念」更為重要!窮家子弟懂事早,唔使人教已知理財 不外開源節流;普通打工仔又點樣節流?懂得節流,窮表不窮裏(外表貧窮,其實唔窮);唔懂節流,無藥可救。未學理財先學節流,有咗節流,自然有「財」,然 後才學投資。投資唔係炒股票、炒期指、炒外滙,上述都係短期獲利、長期損失慘重嘅方式。首先要學睇方向,如方向錯誤,其他方面已唔重要,例如1997至 2003年樓市下降期,你有冇逃避風險?2000年TMT股泡沫爆破時,你有冇止蝕離場?今年方向係點?貝南奇話係黃金歲月(上落市),格蛇話今年底有三 分一機會衰退。你信邊個?你嘅理念(capital idea)又如何?

(信報:二零零七年三月十七日 理财投资「曹仁超——投資者日記」)