Saturday, September 09, 2006
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Rebellious me
- from
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Lunch Menu (Thursday to Next Monday)
- 俄國牛柳絲意粉
- 意式香醋梅子燒豬髀配炒飯
- 鴛鴦雞翼沙律配腿蓉青豆湯
- 香草雞翼配意粉
- 法式芥末醬牛柳絲焗飯
- 水果沙律配馬拉鮮蝦叻沙
- 蜜糖芥末雞翼配長通粉
- 意式釀雞胸配蜆殼粉
- 德國冷盤腸沙律配雞麵湯
Monday, September 04, 2006
Pea Soup & Spaghetti - Part 1

Pea Soup
Tastes ok. Its made of:
- Chicken Soup
- Peas
- Garlic Salt / White Pepper
- Garlic
- Milk
I boiled the peas in cold water and then put it in the blender with other ingredients. Its not difficult but you have to get rid of the unwanted smell of peas. This time I remedied it by adding some white pepper (actually quite a lot) . I've asked mum on that and it could be fixed by putting a ginger in the water with the pea when you're boiling it. In fact, I would propose adding some fried bacon or sausage in it. 'cos I've also added a little French mustard in the pea soup and it tastes quite nice indeed.

Roasted Pumpkin
It tastes real good. Super simple.
- Small Japanese Pumpkin (about HK$15-16)
- Cut them into small pieces are shown above
- Preheat the oven to 250 oC.
- Put in the oven for about 20 minutes.
Simple and its very sweet. I put it as a side dish to the spaghetti. You'd simply eat the skin of it after roasting.
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Investing with Anthony Bolton
However, one thing which is important is to put the quotes from the book which I'm reading: Investing with Anthony Bolton (Harriman House Publishing 2004; ISBN 1-897-59790-9)
Many people have different investment strategy. Some loves to sell all their shares daily, weekly, monthly, anyway, or regularly. Some loves to see have their profit from the rise of the stock value, some loves to have handsome dividends. Always it really depends on your goals and the time you could devote in managing your portfolio, and the risk you could manage and expose to. Being a conservative investor, I would just like to earn $$, no need to be earn every bit from a rise, but some which I could manage. (It doesn't mean that I don't want to earn a lot from a upsurge, but no need to be 'every bit')
Anthony Bolton is named the most successful investment manager in Britain. His Fidelity Special Situations fund could rise from £1,000 in 1979 to more than £80,000 in 2006. The 80-fold increase means an average compound growth rate of 19.9% p.a., or 6% p.a. more than the FTSE All-Share index over the same period, as good as Warren Buffett and Peter Lynch.
Here are you some the nice quotes from the book:
- You have got to use the excesses of the stock market to your advantage. Looking at recovery stocks forces you to go against the herd. Most people feel confident doing what the herd's doing... ... If three brokers ring me and tell me something is a buy, then I normally say 'that doesn't look too good'. The market is excessive. It gets too optimistic on things and then gets too pessimistic on things. I also think it is quite short term and won't look at things like the longer-term dynamics of the business (pp. 24-25)
- ... his ideas rarely come as bolts from the blue, but accumulate in his mind until he has a conviction that something is the right thing to buy or sell. You need both knowledge of what constitutes a good company and an insight into how a company of its type should be valued. It is then a question of spotting anomalies, assimilating new information as it comes in and waiting for convictions to devleop... (p.31)
- ... 'Conviction waxes and wanes and a lot of the time you're uncertain about everything, but when you do get a strong conviction, then it is important to back it strongly'. In other words, when he feels strongly that he has found a winner, he will put a lot of money behind it, even if that means making his funds more heavily concentrated than many of his rivals... (p.31)
The newspapers headline has been obsessing the secret snap by Easy Finder magazine of celebrity Guilian Chung for quite a long while. In fact, for more than one week the Orient Daily group of newspapers are still posting critics about this news.
I wanted to write more on this topic but I saw that blog in my firefox's bookmark has shown something probably even better:
August 29th, 2006 by Derek Greyhound
但是,當整件事給各界抽水從中漁利後,事件已成為了不知方向不知去向的社會議題。政界不忘出來做秀撈政治本錢;其他傳媒立即成為天地不容伸張正義的社會公器;婦女界立即出來捍衛女權;娛樂界則最令人齒冷,要求過份,原形畢露。事件最危險的,是政府在輿論沸騰下,振振有辭地開展箝制傳媒的法律工作,及實施措施為進一步規管傳媒舖路。人必自侮而後人侮之,傳媒自己不爭氣,為求銷量不 擇手段,連累整個行業日後被整肅規管,自取其辱;社會受眾品味差劣,一邊駡一邊看一路追看一面大呼過癮,間接助長不良風氣的傳播,間接毁掉得來不易,捍衛困難的自由空間,也是自作孽的舉動。
個人感到最不齒的,是那些自私自利的演藝界中人。他們當中自身身家有多清白真是天曉得,而他們品格過得去者甚稀。平 時就利用傳媒去到盡呼之則來揮之則去,一有傳媒報導他/她們的醜行,立即反臉不認人,輕則封殺,只准他人報喜不報憂要傳媒做自己喉舌,重則以另類手段去恫 赫教訓。現在有事發生,口惠而實不至的支持有之;求政府出手者有之(看阿旦昨日的談話,無話可說);不合理要求者有之(如立法禁止任何偷拍,甚至阻止正常 採訪);利用事件博宣傳有之;為求私利,報某雜誌報導他/她們不利新聞者一箭之仇者有之(他們怎都不敢指其他雜誌也有這樣做);利用自己支持者有之,總之,大開眼界。捍衛尊嚴?請反省自己平日的一言一行如何影響青少年模仿才說吧。面對小朋友尷尬?請做好自己才說吧,小朋友長大後還不是學你們那樣做?