電訊盈科查禁搞笑網站 (actually not just Netvigator) Hong Kong ISP blocks website!
I have a lot other topics for blogs yet to be written but this one is really important that I believe that I have the responsibility to spread this out. Hong Kong ISPs blocks website!
Interesting though it shouldn't be related to politics and it relates to a site basically: I have read a couple of related webposts about this incident. Netvigator of PCCW and Hutchison Global Communications users can't access this site and in fact this site contains quite a number of articles which are against the Li Ka-Shing family.
I tried accessing it directly from the browser today but it doesn't work. But to do this you could access it via the website It is another site I learnt from this incident... it'd of great help.
Its really interesting esp. when the 'flash mop rape' man was found guilty on Sep 20's verdict for outraging public decency. Both related to the freedom of speech on internet. These 2 cases are inspiring enough.
The NTSCMP affair - EastSouthWestNorth blog contains a list of websites related to blocking NTSCMP.
To complain you'd obtain a copy of letter of complaint from NTSCMP via Browse at
Let's defend for Hong Kong people on this little remaining place for freedom of speech. We should be proud that we have the freedom of speech on the land of China!
Interesting though it shouldn't be related to politics and it relates to a site basically: I have read a couple of related webposts about this incident. Netvigator of PCCW and Hutchison Global Communications users can't access this site and in fact this site contains quite a number of articles which are against the Li Ka-Shing family.
I tried accessing it directly from the browser today but it doesn't work. But to do this you could access it via the website It is another site I learnt from this incident... it'd of great help.
Its really interesting esp. when the 'flash mop rape' man was found guilty on Sep 20's verdict for outraging public decency. Both related to the freedom of speech on internet. These 2 cases are inspiring enough.
The NTSCMP affair - EastSouthWestNorth blog contains a list of websites related to blocking NTSCMP.
To complain you'd obtain a copy of letter of complaint from NTSCMP via Browse at
Let's defend for Hong Kong people on this little remaining place for freedom of speech. We should be proud that we have the freedom of speech on the land of China!