Saturday, January 20, 2007

Should Our Sons and Daughters Move to Cooler Places?

By 2080 temperatures in the UK could rise by four degrees Celsius, according to the BBC's climate change experiment. To get more info you'd refer to this website:

I've quoted one article here for your reference - is it dreadful or the end of the world is coming?

World results

Each of you who took part in the experiment ran a full global climate prediction model. So what do the experiment results tell us about global climate changes?

Global temperature change

See how the temperature could change across the Earth for the near and distant future. These maps represent one of the likely models from the middle of the range.

2020s Thumbnail of temperatures in 2020 open new window
2050s Thumbnail of temperatures in 2050 open new window
2070s Thumbnail of temperatures in 2070 open new window

The experiment predicts a 4°C rise in temperature for the UK by 2080. But how does the rest of the world fare? New Zealand escapes with a lower temperature increase while Alaska should expect a larger rise than the UK. Find out below why different regions of the globe will heat at different rates.

Thumbnail of country comparison graph open new window
Regional temperature changes from around the world

Compare the average temperature change predicted up to 2080 for selected regions around the world.

Find out why some areas are likely to heat more than others.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007




今年人民幣再升值[口既]幅度同速度,或會超過去年,係家[口下]流動性資金泛濫[口既]最大成因。[口系]貿易順差繼續創新高[口既]局面下,短期內難以根治。以基礎分析,A股已偏離合理價,客觀形勢系股票短期難以驟然擴大供應,流入股市[口既]資金卻源源不絕,每日一千億元[口既]超大成交繼續支持A股股價,內地投資者唔明白股價上升隻係紙上富貴,只有隻套[口左]現才係真金白銀。1973年香港唔少人經歷過紙上富貴,到1974年12月已煙消雲散;1997年更多人用市價計自住物業[口既]價值,以為自己擁有一千幾百萬財富,2003年才知道原來自己系負資產。作為賭徒,一天未離開賭[木台],唔好計自己有幾多身家;作為投資者,一天未套現,所謂財富都隻系紙上富貴,唔係真金白銀。內地A股估值係咪合理?各有各睇。高盛報告認為,內地A股[口既]今年仲可再升 25%。

中國GDP未來十年如保持依家[口既]速度增長,2016年將超越日本,到2031年將超越美國。1986年北京著名歌星崔健[口係]北京工人體育館唱《一無所有》,到2006年短短二十年,中國創造[口左]兩個「一萬億美元」[口既]紀錄,外匯儲備打破一萬億美元,內地A股總值亦超過一萬億美元。中國前景當然睇好,因為二十一世紀係中國[口既],一如二十世紀係美國[口既]一樣。如果你[口係]1929年9月30日投資美股,當天道指381.17,整個三十年代及四十年代你都幾悲慘;上述指數到1954年才打破。七十年代睇好香港亦好正確,但如閣下[口係]1973年3月9日恆生指數1774點時入市,下一次恆生指數升穿 1800點之時系1980年5月。睇好中國[口既]分析唔使爭拗,但[口係]偏高水平入市,代價可以好大。



2003 年中國連續四年GDP平均增長率[口系]10%以上,同期CPI升幅分別隻有3%、3.9%、3%及不足2%。連續四年高增長低通脹,[口系]中國歷史上比較長,甚至外國亦好少見。今年又點?近期糧價升幅唔細,而糧價佔中國CPI三分一。中國眼前經濟問題唔係GDP增長率,而係非均衡發展。出現非均衡發展系結構性問題,例如制造業本身生命周期已進入衰退期,開始進入重工業及技術進步、資本密集期,但中國卻擁有七億勞動人口。[口系]八十年代,中國GDP每增長一個百分點,就帶來二百四十多萬個就業職位;依家GDP每上升一個百分點,隻帶來九十多萬個崗位……。工業進入重工化、技術進步化及資本密集化,需要[口既]係高質素工人,中國卻缺乏職業訓練學校;反之,大學教育卻唔少,大量培養出大學生,到社會卻搵唔到工作,市場上需要[口既]專業人才,中國培養出來[口既]又唔多。今年中國經濟就系面對呢種情況。2003年至今,中國[口既]固定資產投資上以超過25%速度增加,但消費需求遠遠追唔上,結果生產出來[口既]產品隻有低價出口到海外,造成大量外貿盈余及流動資金過剩。上述情況[口係]日本、南韓經濟發展史上皆出現過,處理唔好可以出亂子。講到內需,其實就係收入分配。中國十三億人口中,60%系農村人口,大多數人[口係]過去十年收入其實沒顯著增加,形成內需不足;加上教育費同醫療費過去十年大幅上升,形成儲蓄率偏高,結果資金都涌去房地產及股票市場大炒特炒。上述唔係短期問題,如處理得唔好可以好濕滯。如人民幣大幅升值,將影響出口,繼而影響七億勞動人口生計,所以人民幣唔能夠大幅升值;但每年隻升5%,作用又唔大。另一問題係制造業升級走向重工化、技術進步、資本密集化,但中國人口素質未能提升,又應付唔[口黎]。雖然中國人行已一再收緊銀根,但流動性資金實在太多,無法阻止其流入樓市及股市。可以講今年中國經濟已進入喜中帶憂期,最后能否逃過Boom & Bust命運?我老曹木宰羊。

Hamburger & String Quartet

My music student could always say something funny.
He's now in F.4 and I'm teaching him Cert. Music. Yesterday we had a lesson on the set piece and now I'm teaching him Haydn's String Quartet Op.64 No.5 'Lark'. My original wording on the notes for its 1st movement is:

Triplets add increased movement and the use of remoter keys (Original Key: D Major) in the development at the heart of the movement adds a feeling of tension later dispelled as the material of the first section duly returns.

Then he asked whether its like:

You have a hamburger at the very beginning -> Add cheese : Cheeseburger -> Add beef: Double-burger -> Double-Cheese Burger -> Big Mac


Monday, January 15, 2007

God helps them that help themselves

Interesting though this line hits my mind when I read it. Probably I'm a person who always depends on others - hehe - but I really trusts this quote.

What's more strange is that although this quote is related to 'God' but I never think that's from Bible. And it really IS NOT. Why its co-related to Bible is that when I tried to search it from the web some sites really try to clarify that its not from Bible (e.g. What's more strange is that basically its in contrast with the Biblical teaching. God used to help those who are helpless. However, I do not think that God is not helping those who works hard for return. There're parables related to diligent people, namely, the Parable of the Talents (Matt 25:14-30)

Anyway. This quote is believed to be an ancient quote, or originated from Benjamin Franklin from his Poor Richard's Almanack. Hope that I could have this spirit sustained for the rest of my life. Its time to fix those messed up, and improve what has been done nicely. :)

Happy New Year!