Friday, February 22, 2008

安濟橋 Zhaozhou Bridge


Extracted from Wikipedia

安濟橋是單孔敞肩坦弧石拱橋,橋長50.82米,寬9米,南北向橫跨洨河之上,橋面分三道,中道行車,左右二道行人。大橋券上方左右各有兩個小空撞券。大橋圓弧拱跨度37.47米,圓弧拱的半徑為27.7米,圓弧拱的高度為7.23米,扁平率(拱高/跨度之半)為0.38(高寬比為 7.23/37.47 =0.19),遠低於半圓拱。實際上安濟橋圓弧段與圓心夾角隻有84°,略小於1/4圓周,基本上是一座1/4圓拱橋(坦弧圓拱橋)。1/4圓拱橋的弧長與跨度比為π/(2√2)= 1.1,半圓弧拱橋的弧長與跨度比為π/2=1.57,在同等跨度的情況下,1/4弧拱橋的弧長,比半圓弧拱橋的弧長,短少43%。因此安濟橋橋身所用石料,要比同跨度的半圓拱橋節省40%以上,既減輕橋身的自重和應力,又使橋面坡度比較平坦,便利橋上的交通。由於安濟橋圓弧拱的跨度大,圓弧拱仍然夠高,水上船隻來往通過非常方便。李春能在1300多年前的隋代意識到大跨度拱橋並不是非半圓拱不可,從而建成這種跨度大、扁平率低的單孔1/4圓拱橋梁結構,是建筑史上一個可貴的創造。






西方直到13世紀,跨度在24米以上的大跨度弧拱橋,扁平率都在0.70-0.83之間,基本上屬於半圓拱橋。例如古羅馬前62年的 Fabriccius 橋,跨度24.8米,扁平率為0.83,與圓心夾角為159°,基本上是一座半圓拱橋。1187年法國阿維尼翁橋,跨度33.7米,扁平率0.70。 歐洲現存最早的圓弧拱橋建於2世紀的Alconétar多孔橋遺跡[8],扁平率0.5-0.6(高寬比為0.25-0.3),但跨度很小,第一、二拱跨度僅僅為6.72米,7.28米。扁平的大跨度圓弧拱橋在14世紀初在歐洲始露端倪,例如1306年法國羅拿河上的 St Esprit橋,跨度34米,扁平率為0.51,無論跨度或扁平率都不及安濟橋。要到14世紀中葉開始,大跨度1/4圓拱橋才在歐洲流行[9]。歐洲到了1345年才出現跨度29.9米,扁平率為0.37的大跨度扁平1/4圓弧拱橋——佛羅倫薩的“老橋”(Ponte Vecchio)


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Duty to stop in case of accidents - Road Traffic Ordinance (CAP 374) Section 56

Extracted from Sing Tao News:



Chapter: 374
Section: 56

Duty to stop in case of accidents

Version Date:



(1) Where, owing to the presence of a vehicle on a road, an accident occurs whereby-
(a) personal injury is caused to a person other than the driver of that vehicle; or (b) damage is caused to-
(i) a vehicle other than that vehicle or a trailer drawn thereby;
(ii) an animal other than an animal in or on that vehicle or a trailer drawn thereby; or
(iii) any other thing not being in or on that vehicle or a trailer drawn thereby,the driver of that vehicle shall stop.(2) In the case of any such accident, the driver of the vehicle shall, if required, give to any police officer or to any person having reasonable grounds for so requiring the following particulars-
[cf. 1972 c. 20 s. 25(2) U.K.]

(a) his name and address;
(b) the name and address of the owner of the vehicle; and
(c) the registration or identification mark or number of the vehicle.

(2A) If, in the case of an accident referred to in subsection (1)(b), the driver of the vehicle for any reason does not give the particulars mentioned in subsection (2), he shall report the accident in person at the nearest police station or to any police officer as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case not later than 24 hours after the accident. (Added 66 of 1984 s. 7)

(3) If the accident involves injury to any person including the driver, the driver shall report the accident in person at the nearest police station or to any police officer as soon as reasonably practicable, and in any case not later than 24 hours after the accident, unless the driver is incapable of doing so by reason of injuries sustained by him in the accident. [cf. 1972 c. 20 s. 25
(3) U.K.]

(4) In this section "animal" (動物) means any horse, cattle, ass, mule, sheep, pig or goat. [cf. 1972 c. 20 s. 25(4) U.K.]

(5) A person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $10000 and to imprisonment for 12 months.

(6) A person who contravenes subsection (2), (2A) or (3) or who knowingly makes a false statement in supplying particulars under subsection (2) commits an offence and is liable to a fine of $15000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
(Amended 66 of 1984 s. 8)