Friday, April 13, 2007


I've read HKEJ lately and they mentioned a rumour that LSD - 社會民主連線 (League of Social Democrats) is supporting Mr Tsang indirectly. Well. If its true, I have the following thought in my mind about the Tseung Kwan O Hau Tak market (將軍澳厚德街市) incident.

Its true that LegCo members and District Councilors need to obtain support from the voters before the election, but I do feel that there could be some conspiracies behind.

I haven't done any research on it yet but its just my impression.

Would it be that the Govt is losing the control of the Link REIT and they want to regain it without being accused of controlling the market? So they are trying to initiate some activities which strengthen the political risks of the Link REIT and scare TCI away ('cos if the risks increase and the return is not satisfactory, they might just leave?)

I guess Mr Tsang would do nothing at this stage and he'd just say the Govt could hardly control it because it could not control the market. I do not think the Govt would also be actively participating in solving the problems for Hau Tak market petitioners. But troubles against the Link REIT would be coming.


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