Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Kaspar Hauser

I found that I've been having strong interest towards some mysterious things. Sometimes these things could be quite dark in general. I've just read from news about that 3 girls in Austria were locked up by their mother for 7 years in an apartment without running water and with excrement accumulated for 1 metre height. That's really terrible.

What induced me to know further under the news is that the specialists think they have the Kaspar Hauser Syndrome. Kaspar Hauser is an European boy who was found in 1828 in Nuremberg who had been locked up for a long time since he was 3 with mysterious fate afterwards. Endocrinologists and Psychiatrists later called those children whose growth in stature is impaired, often to a dramatic degree, consequent to serious abuse or neglect with 'psychosocial dwarfism'.

However, I found that Kaspar Hauser is a v legendary and intelligent figure with mysterious fate. I would co-relate that if someone was locked up, no matter since childhood or adulthood, what would happen? Just like as I used to hear from priest in my sec schools Catholic Priests in the Mainland China under the sovereignty of the Communists were locked up with 'brain washing' - it'd cause more than mental breakdown. It seems that it really depends on the person who got locked up how (s)he faces this. To gain support from God, in the case for adults, or to keep his / her firm belief on that he(r) could escape some day?

About the news of the Austrian mother who locked up her 3 daughters:

To know more about Kaspar Hauser, you'd refer to:



Blogger mausekopf said...

that's freaky!!

locked up adults? try stanley prison - single cells - i wonder whether they'd get crazy.

your piece of news reminds me of a series of novel i used to read when i was a teenager. The author is called V.C. Andrews (i think she's 'virginia andrews') and the first story in the series is called 'flowers in the attic'. It's about a mother who tried to hide her 4 children into an attic for years, and during that time, the 2 older siblings got into an incestuous relationship (i wonder why we had these novels in our library ...) ...

12:03 pm  

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