Sunday, January 21, 2007

Battle between Morality and Money: 鐘南山警告:人流感和禽流感可能同時爆發!

I got this line from the following link:

Actually I still think that this year we at least might have some wider spread of bird flu. SARS - hope that its not coming. However, it could be conflicting.

Why conflicting?

Somehow I could hardly distinguish whether we do not hope that they are coming or we hope to get money from stock market or from property market because of these diseases - that is - to hope that they would come - and thus we would have a chance to get more $$.

I had some chats with frenz and some share the same thought of mine that in 2007 there might be some diseases in Hong Kong and thus we'd get stocks or properties at that time 'cos the stock and property market should drop dramatically.

To analyze our psychological status towards this, I could put them in the following points:
  • We do not want to see people die or got infected of bird flu or SARS or similar disease
  • We want to earn money, most likely from stock and property market
  • If bird flu and/or SARS come to Hong Kong, its expected that the stock and property market would drop
  • We could earn money by buying in stock and property when the market is down
Then the problem is, how we could balance this in our mind? That's the battle between morality and money. I guess that's good enuf to initiate a discussion inside our innermost.


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