Bloody - No one would like to join the Government
To be very honest - although you might really say that I have morality problem, because of this its really not my choice of entering the Government.
- 出差儲起的飛行哩數,須優先用於公幹
- 禁止員工購買公署內的舊物資
Actually I really could not imagine that.
For me, I'd rather abandon Asia Miles. It's my choice to enter this scheme. Why I have to enter the scheme for the benefit of my employer? I guess I do not have incentive for that.
It'd just give some adverse effects:
- To get rid of the trouble of marking down which miles are from business trips, I would not enter into the mileage programmes. Therefore the Government would never get the benefit of this kind of scheme.
- 禁止員工購買公署內的舊物資: then these materials would be thrown away (a waste) or they have to be sold to general public. I just wonder how much admin cost it'd incurr.
私隱署亡羊補牢 外訪須知會民政局
(明報) 08月 17日 星期四 05:05AM
- 出差儲起的飛行哩數,須優先用於公幹
- 禁止員工購買公署內的舊物資
Actually I really could not imagine that.
For me, I'd rather abandon Asia Miles. It's my choice to enter this scheme. Why I have to enter the scheme for the benefit of my employer? I guess I do not have incentive for that.
It'd just give some adverse effects:
- To get rid of the trouble of marking down which miles are from business trips, I would not enter into the mileage programmes. Therefore the Government would never get the benefit of this kind of scheme.
- 禁止員工購買公署內的舊物資: then these materials would be thrown away (a waste) or they have to be sold to general public. I just wonder how much admin cost it'd incurr.
私隱署亡羊補牢 外訪須知會民政局
(明報) 08月 17日 星期四 05:05AM
【明報專訊】林永康事件曝光後,私隱署曾檢討資源運用的措施,如出差儲起的飛行哩數,須優先用於公幹﹔專員外訪,更須事先通知民政事務局(相關新聞 - 網站)長,避免濫用公帑情況再現,局方至今已批出6次申請,但立法會(相關新聞 - 網站)議員張文光(相關新聞 - 網站)認為,現行的津貼申報制度仍有漏洞,偏向依賴個人操守執行及監察,建議加入更多行政手段,如實報實銷制度,改善機制。
出差飛行哩數 須先用於公幹
民 政事務局稱,已通知公署注意申報外訪開支,及收發出內部福利金的標準,暫毋須檢討公署的架構﹔另外,私隱署已採取多項改善措施,如規定有實際需 要才可宴請客人,並設定每餐的費用上限,至於出差所儲的飛行哩數,亦規定須優先用於公幹,甚至禁止員工購買公署內的舊物資,並設立小組處理棄置的資產。
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