Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Site Visit - Jul 31, 2006

P & I went to the place again but this time the focus is on the competitors.
Sadly, the coffee shop is not full.

We went to a small restaurants with focus on seafood. It looks like a Hong Kong style western restaurants but its selling Chinese style seafood lunch. It has a 蒸櫃! Per bililng is about $40 in average. That means under certain condition the per billing for each person during lunch could reach this amount if we've some edges.

Another one is strange. Its position is pretty good but the kitchen is quite large with ONE table for 2 persons only. But we'd see a couple of people lining up and wait for the take-away. Its also selling some cheese cakes things.

The third one is the one which opens on Sunday and it sells herbal tea and its a little bit in European style. Certainly its earning good $$ 'cos it closes on Monday and this time its moving to somewhere nearby and became a larger shop... about 5 times larger! Its just next to the potential one... probably its a reason why the owner wants to sell his/her own coffee shop.

To summarize:
  1. Potential in increasing lunch per billing
  2. Take-away could be a large market
  3. OL style prevails
It led to another question. Many OL do not really drink coffee. Maybe we'd use The Pantry (http://www.pantry.com.hk/) as a portrait but we've to be low-end. Imagine we're an OL working at that area what we would feel interested for lunch? If we could sort that out we'd win.

I particularly mention The Pantry is because the deco makes me feel comfortable to go into it. I guess we need to re-paint the shop and make it more accessible.

What we have to do are:
  1. Think again how we'd develop the revenue
  2. Prepare the menu (it has to be distinguishable but not too westernized) and develop signature dish. I have that in mind already.
  3. Gather investors
' 要開創時代, 就是要一份勇氣。它可以寄存於政治家、專業人士、文人報人、創業家, 甚至太空人、女報販。缺乏勇氣,只可以注定庸碌地生活。雖然人各有志, 平凡過活亦是一種福氣, 但有勇氣的人與事是極為漂亮。 漂亮人生, 豈不是人所追求?' - 方卓如: 國金外望 (p.51)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yes, OL don't drink coffee. But OL's drink cappuccino, latte, mocha and other variants that give a dreamy feeling~

3:25 pm  

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